Your Child at 12 to 18 Months
Your child at 12-18 months is developing a real personality.
They are still growing rapidly, gaining confidence, and developing a sense of independence. As they begin to walk, run, and climb, they need encouragement and freedom to explore, as well as clear boundaries and limits to feel safe.
At 12 to 18 months old your child should be able to:
- Walk without help
- Hold objects while walking
- Hold a crayon and scribble
- Gesture or point to indicate what they want
- Turn pages in a book
- Push, pull, and dump things
- Understand and follow simple one step directions
- Say 8 to 20 words, including "hi" and "bye"
- Identify objects in a book
- Pay attention to conversations
- Enjoy being held and read to
- Imitate others with sounds and facial expressions
- Play alone with toys
If you have concerns about your child's development, contact Early On at 1-800-EarlyOn or 1-800-327-5966.
Positive Parenting
What is a good parent? Being a good parent means so many things: protecting and guiding your child, establishing rules and boundaries and showing them lots of attention.
For tips on Successful Parenting and Dealing With Power Struggles, visit Positive Parenting.
Feeding Your 1- to 2- Year Old
Your child will transition from baby foods to table foods, bottle to cup, and possibly formula to milk. To make certain you are providing the best nutrition for your child, visit Kids Health.
Read From the Start
Learning to read and write in school depends on the blending of many skills--skills that grow as children interact with, and explore, their world in the early years. It is never to early to begin to prepare your child for reading and writing.