Your Child at Birth

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood!newborn babies

Learning begins at birth, and in the first six months an infant will learn a lot! You and your baby have likely learned a great deal about each other already.

As you grow in your new role as a parent, you may have many questions about your newborn.

Your child's doctor will provide information regarding your child's health and development, and can support you in your new role as a parent in many ways. Choosing the right medical doctor for your family can be a challenge though. Click here for more information about what to look for in a pediatrician or family practice doctor to care for your child.

By 4-6 months, your child should be able to:

  • Use eyes and hands together to grab for things
  • Wiggle and kick arms and legs
  • Sit with support
  • Roll over stomach to back and back to stomach
  • Explore objects with mouth
  • Use verbal and non-verbal signals to signal needs
  • Talk to self in mirror
  • Respond to simple games like peek-a-boo
  • Express self by laughing or crying

If you have concerns about your child's development, contact Early On at 1-800-EarlyOn or 1-800-327-5966.

How can I help my baby to learn? What games should I be playing?

During the first months and years of your baby’s life their brain is developing at a very rapid rate. There are many activities you can do to provide stimulation that will promote brain development, foster trust and security, and provide a safe environment for your baby to grow.

Click the links below for practical tips on boosting your baby’s brain power:

Everyday Routines  •  Games to Play (YouTube)

There are many benefits to breastfeeding for you and your baby. It is a cost effective and convenient way to promote bonding and provide good nutrition. Human milk has all the nutrients needed to support a stronger immune system, promote easier digestion, and reduce the likelihood of obesity.

Check out these websites for information that can help make breastfeeding a success for both mom and baby:

Kelly Mom  •  Office on Women's Health (OASH)

Taking care of a baby can sometimes be as overwhelming as it is joyful. As parents, we want to keep our babies healthy and safe. The state of Michigan has several programs aimed at helping to protect our children. Many of these programs can be accessed through the State’s Early On website.

Find information about safe sleep steps, tips for calming a crying baby, and much more.

Need Childcare?

Finding a quality child care provider is essential for the healthy development of your baby and also for your peace of mind.

For help finding quality child care near you, visit Great Start to Quality.

Text Baby to 511411

Get FREE messages on your cell phone to help you through your pregnancy and your baby's first year. Text Baby to 511411 or visit

ADA & Accessibility

Our School Strives To Ensure Our Website Is Accessible To All Our Visitors 

Washtenaw ISD is committed to providing a website that is fully accessible and we are currently in the process of developing a new website to better meet the needs of our customers. Our new website will include improvements to ADA compliance and accessibility, and during this transition, we remain committed to maintaining our existing website's accessibility and usability. 

ADA Compliance

Non Discrimination

It is the policy and commitment of the Washtenaw Intermediate School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, height, weight, familial status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation or any legally protected characteristic, in its educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment policies in accordance with Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, executive order 11246 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and all other pertinent state and Federal regulations.

Non Discrimination Information

ADA and Title IX Coordinator ADA and Title IX Coordinator
Brian Marcel
Associate Superintendent
1819 S. Wagner Road 
Ann Arbor, MI  48103
(734) 994-8100 ext. 1402
Cassandra Harmon-Higgins
Executive Director, HR & Legal Services
1819 S. Wagner Road 
Ann Arbor, MI  48103
(734) 994-8100 ext. 1311